Choose How You Want To Train With Us
We offer training lessons In-Person, Virtual Zoom and Video Instruction

Dog Training 2024 Pricing (subject to change)

We Use Positive Reinforcement Marker Training Techniques 

(Owner provides food, treats, toys and equipment)

Training offered for Puppies and Adult Dogs: 

  • Basic to Advance Obedience Training (on leash and off leash)
  • Puppy Socialization
  • Behavioral Modification Training
  • Competition-Specific Training for Titles
  • Scent Work Training for Competition
  • Tricks for AKC Trick Dog Titles
  • Thearpy Dog Training
  • Scent Imprinting—for competitions, tracking, medical alerting
  • Service Dog Training—Public Access
  • Service Dog Training—Task Training
  • Service Dog Training—Medical Alert DogTraining
  • Service Dog Public Access Testing

Initial Lesson will include a Consultation, Evaluation of your puppy/dog current skills/behavior problems, Personalized Training Plan of Action and First Lesson

  • Foundations of Positive Reinforcement Marker Training: $25 –Consist of 3 Demonstration Videos—Must Complete Prior to First Lesson
  • Private Training Lessons: $60 per lesson, one-on-one individual instruction
  • In Home Training: $100 per lesson (60 minutes) Plus an additional $25 and up for travel
  • Virtual Training Lessons $60 per Lesson can be set up for Virtual Live Video Instruction (60 minutes) or Video Instructions sent to you plus a 20 minute Virtual Live Video Appointment (set up after you practice what you learned from the video demonstrations)
  • AKC Puppy Star Class: $150 for 6 Lessons (Minimum of 3 puppies per class, age 12 weeks old – 6 months old) Testing available to earn AKC Puppy S.T.A.R. Title at last lesson. (Must be taken in person to earn Title)
  • Basic Obedience Level 1: $225 for 5 Private Lessons—Obedience Commands: Loose Leash Walking, Sit, Down, Stay, Go to Place, Recall. Available In-Person or Virtual Lessons
  • Basic Obedience Level 2: $225 for 5 Private Lessons—Obedience Commands: Advanced Loose Leash Walking with Auto Sit and Leave-It, Wait, Recall during distractions from 20 feet away, Down/Stay extended duration and distance, Leave-It, Focus/Engagement games to learn how to ignore distractions in real world situations. Available In-Person or Virtual Lessons.
  • Puppy Training In Client’s Home: $350 for 3 Private Lessons at the Clients Home for puppies 8-16 weeks old: Topics Covered: Potty Training, Crate Training, Puppy nipping and jumping, Positive Reinforcement Training-Powering up the Clicker and first obedience command: Sit  (If you reside farther than 25 miles from my facility additional travel fees will apply).
  • Speciality Private Lessons: $75 per hour (Example: Service Dog Training, Service Dog Medical Alerting, Scent Imprinting, Public Access Training, Competition Training etc)
  • Virtual Home Manners Puppy Group Class: $150 for 5 Lessons—Plus the AKC Evaluation for VHMP Title—(12 weeks old to 12 months old) Will cover all 10 Elements of the Test and proper equipment, Including: Loose Leash Walking for 20 feet, Sit, Down, Stay, Go to Place Command (15 seconds stay on place), Recall from 10 feet away inside. This class will be completely Virtual and require you to have a FaceBook Account and Zoom Account. (All paperwork will be provided to file for the AKC VHMP Title, you are responsible for AKC filing fees) You do not have to take the test for the Title to take this class.
  • Virtual Home Manners Adult Group Class: $200 for 6 Group Lessons and 1 Private Lesson (30 Minutes)—Plus the AKC Evaluation for VHMA Title—(4 Months old and Up) Will cover all 10 Elements of the Test and proper equipment, Including: Loose Leash Walking for 20 feet with speed changes, Sit (no food lure), Down (no food lure), Stay, Go to Place Command with auto down (60 second stays on place), Recall from 20 feet away inside, Manners related to food, Answering your door, Put on Leash and polity exit through doorway.  This class will be completely Virtual and require you to have a FaceBook Account and Zoom Account. (All paperwork will be provided to file for the AKC VHMA Title, you are responsible for AKC filing fees) You do not have to take the test for the Title to take this class. (If you paid for VHMP your price is $100 for this course).
  • Scent Work/Nose Work 101 Group Class: $250 for 6 Week Virtual Group Lessons and 1 Private Lesson—-This course will cover how to scent imprint your puppy or dog to any scent/odor. You will learn how to handle the scent, what equipment to use, how to make your own equipment, how to set up equipment, start to train your dog to search for the imprinted scent. By the end of this course your dog will be ready to Test for the AKC Virtual Scent Work Novice Title and AKC Container Search Novice Level. This class will be completely Virtual and require you to have a FaceBook Account and Zoom Account.
  • Service Dog Training—Prices vary for instruction requested-$75 for private consultation, either Live Virtual Video Instruction or In-Person Lesson)
  • Behavioral Modification Private Training: $75 per hour, Initial lesson will be consultation, developing a training plan and evaluation of the puppy/dog
  • Board and Train: $100 and Up per day, must commit to at least 3 weeks of training to get results. Includes videos demonstrations and Private Training Lessons with Owners.

AKC Evaluations: Testing Prices for AKC Titles NOT connected to Private Training Lessons/Group Class

(Discounts offered for multiple/group of dogs testing on same day/time)

  • Virtual Titles via video review: $20  (includes a ribbon mailed to you after passing)
  • AKC Trick Dog All Levels
  • AKC Virtual Home Manners Puppy and Adult Titles
  • Virtual Titles via in person: $35 and up
  • Canine Good Citizen: $50 in person only
  • Canine Good Citizen Advance: $60 will be set up at a public location
  • Canine Good Citizen Urban: $60 will be set up at a public location
  • Take all 3 CGC Tests in one appointment $150
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