Clodovia Von Merryman Haus
Fully Trained Diabetic Alert Service Dog

Chloe is looking for a new handler, she has retired from our breeding program. Chloe works everyday and is on the go with me. She has been there done that Service Dog and will work well for anyone.

Check Out Chloe Here:

Price: $16,000

See more about Clodovia under the German Shepherds Tab

Breed: AKC German Shepherd-Stock Coat 

Age: 5 years old, intact will be spayed before she leaves

Health: up to date on all vaccinations, recent Vet Exam, microchipped, weighs in around 72 pounds.

Potty Trained: Yes (has had zero accidents in the house), she will potty on leash outside and has a potty command. 

Crate Trained: Yes  House Manners: Excellent

Background: Chloe was bred specially for becoming a working Service Dog. She is a 2nd generation working SD from my breeding program. Chloe is a fully trained Service Dog. She has traveled on loads of a vacations, rides trains, boats, cars, trucks, campers, tractors, golf carts–she will go anywhere with her handler. Chloe currently travels to work with me daily as my SD. 

No bite history. Is very friendly with adults and kids, you can pass her leash off to strangers and she is willing to perform obedience commands.

Fully Public Access Trained–Obedience Commands: To many to list them all–Can perform on and off leash with verbal and hand signals–sit, down, stay, touch hand, target touch, place, “wait” for recall, stay, recalls from anywhere, heels-hands free, heels with shopping cart hands free, she pays attention to your speed and heels with the handler. Goes under tables, chairs, benches waits while you eat your meal, she will also alert you from under there too. 

Fully Public Access Trained–Service Dog Tasks: Alerts to Low Glucose Levels at 68 and fast drops, Alerts by Pawing, She is trained to Alert while driving by pawing your shoulder. She alerts you while sleeping by jumping onto the bed and licking you. She goes to the pool with me and is trained to alert when you swim to edge of pool and ask her to check you by smelling your hand or breathe. 

Chloe is trained to respond to phone alarms and CGM Alarms

Chloe is also trained to help steady yourself, you can brace on her back or grab her handle and she will freeze, let you balance then you can release her when ready. She will also brace you to get up off the floor. 

Chloe does know how to close cabinet doors too. 

Chloe also performs DPT and grounding techniques. 

Chloe also knows a lot of cute tricks–check out her Trick Dog Videos

Located currently at Hillsboro, Indiana 

Contact us today to come meet Chloe in person!

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