Welcome to Salty Raccoon Ranch LLC
Kennels & Training Your Home for Four-Legged Family Members

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At Salty Raccoon Ranch, we are more than just a small family-owned ranch; we are a haven for animals, with a special affinity for our canine companions. Nestled in the heart of Hillsboro, Indiana, our ranch is a place where love, care, and wagging tails come together to create unforgettable moments.

Our journey began with a simple passion for animals, particularly dogs. As fellow animal lovers, we understand the joy and companionship that a furry friend can bring into your life. Whether you are seeking a loyal companion, Service Dog with a special mission or your next competition champion, we are here to help you find the perfect addition to your family.

With a commitment to ethical breeding practices, exceptional training, and utmost care for our animals, we strive to ensure that each of our furry residents receives the love and attention they deserve. Our dedication to the well-being of our four-legged friends is at the core of everything we do.

Beyond providing loving homes for our animals, we are passionate about creating lasting connections with our community. We believe in the power of animals to bring people together, fostering bonds that transcend words and touch hearts.

So, whether you are looking to welcome a new furry family member into your home or simply share in the joy of our animal companions, we invite you to explore Salty Raccoon Ranch and experience the warmth and love that define our little corner of the world.

Join us in celebrating the beauty of human-animal relationships and the boundless happiness that comes from sharing your life with a beloved pet. We look forward to embarking on this journey with you and helping you find your new family member – one paw at a time.

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Hear From Our Happy Owners

Samantha has an excellent breeding program. She goes above and beyond with her puppies. she takes a lot of extra time to work with the puppies and any puppies purchased from her will be further along in their development and training. All her puppies go home with an excellent foundation to continue building upon. Samantha is very knowledgeable about all things concerning her puppies and breeding program and any puppy you purchase will be top quality. New Owners will be given everything that's needed to allow them to thrive and have a great GSD!

Jodi Luikart, West Virgina

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Samantha is just amazing and a talented trainer. She has assisted me Virtually with my dog Bella, livestock guardian dog. I have been able to gain better handler skills to communicate with my dog effectively. Bella is becoming such a great helper on the farm with our livestock and minds so well now.

Christina Haverman, Wisconsin

This is my first full bred GSD puppy. I have had and trained many dogs who ended up in rescues and while I love helping rescues, I needed a well balanced puppy for Service Dog Work, scent work and maybe even showing in confirmation. I reached out to Salty Raccoon Ranch and I am so happy I did!! These puppies are raised with care, are socialized and started on scent imprinting. As a Professional Trainer, I can tell you that all the work that is put into these puppies make them a perfect choice for whatever you need in a German Shepherd Dog. My boy is amazing and smart. There is no problem he can't figure out because they are given puzzles and introduced to obstacles immediately. My puppy only had 2 accidents in the house and they were both my fault. He is fearless and ready for any adventure. I will turn to Salty Raccoon Ranch LLC Kennels & Training for all my future dogs!

Tammy Hamilton, Texas

I searched a few years for my service dog prospect. I knew I wanted a German Shepherd because I grew up with them. I interviewed several breeders and had almost given up because the fear of making the wrong choice and adopting a dog from a backyard breeder made me nervous. I came across a Facebook post and something that Samme said caught my attention. She was knowledgeable about servicedogs and she was a breeder of German Shepherds. I began messaging her and she was open to questions she helped me understand the process and what was important and her values as a dog breeder. You can tell she cares about her dogs and puppies. The best interest of the puppies and their future is a top priority and it shows. She is supportive of her customers every step of the way. I was blessed to come across a post that lead me to my best friend (green collar puppy from Timber 2022) and Service Dog in Training. I will continue to go to Samme at Salty Raccoon Rance for future prospects as she breeds well balanced and healthy puppies. You cannot go wrong with this breeder as she is Amazing!

Jolene's Atlas Von Merryman Haus, 7 months old

Cecile Potenza, Tennessee

In 2020, I began researching German Shepherds because I wanted to make sure that when I added a new family member, I knew I would be getting a healthy dog, with a good temperament, a hearty dog that I could train and  know how to take care of.  Even after a year of research, reading many books, talking to many breeders, I still felt a little unsure, but I knew two things for sure:  Genetics was number one key in choosing a healthy, well-rounded, even-temper dog and the Breeder was the person that held the key to getting that dog.

After a year long search, God led us to a small community in Indiana and to the breeder called Sammy.  From the moment I first talked to her, I knew I had found “My Breeder.” You could hear the love, experience and her motivation for raising German Shepherds in her voice.  She talked about her history with animals (training and showing horses as a child) and how she took that love and training skills and poured them into her German Shepherds.  Sammy’s main reason for training and raising German Shepherds was not for the money, but to help people with disabilities that needed a service dog.  She also beamed with pride about the international titles won by German Shepherds in her dog’s lineage.  Sammy was genuine and I trusted her almost immediately.  As impressive as Sammy’s knowledge and experience is,  I was blown away when I learned she started training her German Shepherds before they even opened  their eyes…it’s a totally amazing training concept and it’s effective…Just call her, she’ll tell you all about it.

On March 20, 2021, “Hosanna Blessed Von Merryman Haus” was born. (How cool is the “Von Merryman  Haus” name?)  Sammy knew exactly what kind of German Shepherd I wanted, because she vetted me before she allowed me to have one of her dogs.  I allowed her to pick my dog from the litter (Yes, I trusted her that much) She knew my personality (she asks a lot of questions) and what type of dog would fit my lifestyle and she delivered a strapping, healthy ball of dragon-energy, with a great temperament and intelligent.  Sammy also told  me she was “..just a phone call away” after I took my dog home and if I had any questions or needed help, she would be there…she has kept that promise.  Anyone that is blessed to get one of her dogs will never regret it….Well, you might not feel totally “Blessed” until your dog gets through the puppy-shark-teeth-phase.  

Dr. Yvonne and Robert Vosburgh, Illinois

Samantha was able to assist me in finding an excellent breeder of Siamese cats. She also helped me find the right supplements and food for my kitten. I also received ample information on socializing my new kitten that has been very helpful.

Amanda Wright, Indiana

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